Thursday, October 14, 2010


I will never be able to out-smart the Lord 
     I can give up trying
I will never be able to hind anything from the Lord
     I can give up trying
I will never be able to second guess the Lord
     I can give up trying
My absolute wonderful option: ( in Christ Jesus)
     Completely surrender everything about myself and 
circumstances to him... Then simply follow the one who
loves me without condition and knows what is best for me!
  -Rich Davis

I like it a lot.... I try so hard sometimes... when all i need to do is surrender and trust!
And give up trying!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Well not sure what i am getting myself into here...
but here goes...
The reason i have decided to start this blog is: so my many friends and i guess whoever out there, wants to know what is happening in my world! 
November starts a journey of journeys... hmmm is that what i want to call it? Yeah i guess it is! I have a 2 week canoe trip planned with my youth girls the first of November. Then i plan to take a trip to India to visit my sister who is living there. My cousin Al plans to go with me!! We plan to stay for 3 1/2 weeks and then i come home and am home for 2 weeks and then i head off to Heritage Bible School to be Dean of women for 6 weeks! ahhhh crazy schedule yet fun life!! 
So you can pray that i stay sane in all of this. I was wondering the other day if i am crazy to be so busy and wondering if my mind can handle all this stuff and God brought the verse to me : Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee!! WOW how true... when my thoughts and mind is stayed on Christ i am not overwhelmed by life!