Saturday, November 13, 2010

Landing for 4 days

Home and barely have my feet down before i run off to India!!

Just got back on Thursday from a 12 day canoe trip with my youth girls. We did not canoe for 12 days, but had an awesome time! We spent 6 days on the Suwanne River in Florida, then drove down to Gator boys camp for a few days and helped out there. The Canoe trip was absolutely more than i could have asked for. The bond we felt after we got home was incredible and the things we worked though were not all fun easy things, but it was awesome to find freedom in areas that you were not aware were locked and closed and see others find freedom as well! I was stretched in many things. God did a great work in my heart in tearing out some ugly things that needed cleansed, and i am so thankful He keeps refining us and making us more like HIM!

Now off to India another part of the world..... Pray for me and i will try to keep you all posted with life


  1. Aha! I found you Lydia! :)

    I have been praying for had a special "little sister" of mine along with you. (Wanda S.) I was blessed to have her back all in one piece this week. :) I know she was blessed. God be with you, sister. I am looking forward to reading about your journey in the coming weeks! Rex Jr. is anxious to read as well, and of course we are hoping for pictures! God be with you!

    Just remember: "Satan smiles when we make plans, and he laughs when we get busy. But, he trembles when we pray." Keep your heart focused on the Lord in the midst of all the fun, and keep your prayer life alive!


  2. Hey girl.....
    I'm so happy we are friends. I will miss you and pray for you while you are in India. Have a wonderful time - and I'll be anxiously waiting your return. Pray for us as well. I'm sure you will! Love, love, love, marty

  3. Remember the starfish story... There were thousands of starfish on a beach. A man was throwing them back into the ocean. Another man asked him why he would bother it makes no difference, tomorrow they will be back again. As he picked a starfish up and threw it into the ocean he said, I made a difference for this one. You only have to make a difference in one persons life to make a difference in the world, God will do the rest!
    Bless you in your travels, you make a difference wherever you go!!!
    Love, Bob & Deb
