Monday, April 18, 2011

This is us!!  My wonderful man and I !!!
Just got home last night from spending 4 days with him! Ah what fun!

"The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love,
and to let it come in."
                                                                 -Morrie Schwartz

This quote speaks to my heart... How do i give love? How do i let love come to me?
I am learning. 
God help me, show me, lead me!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, it is about caring and loving your relatives and friends, while you can touch and see them, and they are still among us."

*I found this quote today and I instantly connected with it! I have been reminded so much of this thought lately. I want to love more, care more, and show the people I love my love for them. And not wait till the perfect moment or right time. That might never happen. We have no promise of our next breath.*

Thanking God for life

This morning i sit here and look out my window. The sky is gray, the rain is gently falling, and i got tea on the stove brewing! Such a beautiful, mysterious day! I love rain... But let me add in moderation! Because i LOVE the sun as well and to many rainy days can make one blue after awhile. But today i like it. Fits my mood! Not that i feel gray no not at all. But a perfect day to sit and read and think about the happenings of the past few days. My boyfriend ended up in the hospital on Saturday afternoon. I don't understand all the medical words and terms, but he got poison on his hand about a week ago and it got infected and somehow, something, yeah went wrong. I never before had such a helpless feeling come over me. When i got the call Saturday eve. that he went in i felt a million miles away. Not knowing what is wrong or if he is gonna die... And having no way of getting to him fast. God he is yours! I had to let go! I feel God has brought it to me to teach me something. Not sure what all yet but i feel it has reason. Cause nothing happens with out reason. But i am rejoicing!! He is still alive and feeling much better. Thank you God! 
I noticed i never mentioned his name in my previous post... :) you might be curious who this man is!!
Dervin Seibel from Pickens South Carolina
Now to my cup of tea! It is calling my name!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

God is Good!

       Yes i am still here and i am still alive! Wow so much, so much has happened this past month. Almost to much for me and my brain to process and think through. And i thought when i came home from Bible School i had a lot to think about and process.Sometimes i wish i would not think so much... how does one stop thinking? But i am very excited!!! God has given me a huge gift, bigger and better then i could ever have asked for or imagined. So it all started like this... i met this wonderful man at Bible School, he was the asst. dean of men. I thought he was a very nice man and yet never imagined God would actually allow it to ever happen that we would get together. Why do i doubt God and his goodness? And his perfect plan for my life? This new phase of my life feels very new, risky, and i feel unlearned, and yet very secure in this being God's plan for my life now. And i am so excited!!! We had our first date March 25!
       My younger brother James got married on March 19 in Florida. So the whole family was down there together. A first for us! But in the midst of the joy of marriage and being with family, God choose to take my dear Grandma home to be with him. She was 93 years old, and died suddenly. We knew she had been going down hill the past month but we got the call Thursday morning (2 days before the wedding) that she is dying and in 1 hr she was gone. So that totally changed our plans. We had all been planning to stay down there for the following week and hang out as a family. But instead we came home on Sunday. So i had 4 days to enjoy the sunshine!!
        And yes God has been filling me up! In many different ways... in one way just being by myself and having him show me HE is enough!
        I am learning how to TRUST more, and live my life out of my control! Allowing God to have all control. I dare you to try it! Be ready for the ride of your life, and for God to take you many vulnerable places! I am learning to jump off the cliffs God brings me to and jumping into his arms!